We offer a range of talks aimed at the general public, schools and colleges together with more formal technical lectures for professional and specialist audiences. In all cases the talks and lectures are illustrated with items taken from our collection of historical telecommunications aretfacts and where appropriate, can involve practical demonstrations and audience interaction.
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The following talks and lectures are made freely available to be viewed online and represent a flavour of what we offer.
The ITP Family Christmas Presentations 2014
Each year the ITP offers a Family Christmas Presentation that is intended for a general family audience and is delivered at 5 venues around the country. Professor Nigel Linge delivered two of the 2014 lectures, one in Birmingham and the other in Salford. His lecture was entitled, The web at 25, and traced the history of the world wide web from the very first web page through to today's technology. The presentation which you can watch was recorded at the University of Salford building at MediaCityUK on Saturday 13 December 2014.
The ITP Family Christmas Presentations 2013
Each year the ITP offers a Family Christmas Presentation that is intended for a general family audience and is delivered at 5 venues around the country. Professor Nigel Linge delivered the 2013 series with a lecture entitled, "Your world in your hand" which traced the 40 year development of the mobile phone. The presentation which you can watch was recorded at the University of Salford building at MediaCityUK.
Archaeology of Communications Conference
On Saturday 3rd March 2012, as part of the Manchester Histories Festival, the University of Salford organised a one day conference to examine the industrial archaeology of all forms of communications. Here you can watch the lecture given by Professor Nigel Linge on communications "Digital Age".
Lectures available on IET TV
The following lectures can be viewed via the IET TV channel. Enter “Linge” into the ‘Search videos’ box to locate them. Please note that if you are not a member of the IET then you may need to register, create an account and make a payment in order to view them.
The call what he made
This lecture was presented to the IET Merseyside and Western Cheshire Local Network on the 3rd December 2013. Here Professor Linge traces the evolution of the mobile phone which celebrated its 40th birthday in 2013. With a UK focus, the lecture shows how comedian Ernie Wise inaugurated the first generation network and goes on to demonstrate the potential that fourth generation networks now offer.
From Talking 2 txtng
Here Professors Linge and Parsons, together with colleagues from the University of Salford, present the IET Manchester Network 2006 Christmas Lecture. Through a series of demonstrations they show how the telephone and telephone network have evolved from a system intended solely for talking into one that is increasingly being used for the transfer of data applications.
Talks for the General Public
We currently offer a range of talks aimed at a general public audience. All of these talks are on the theme of telecommunications and cover both historical and contemporary issues. These lectures have been enjoyed by Probus Clubs, the U3A, the Women's Institute, and a broad range of societies and social groups.
Click the button below to view the current list of talks being offered and for information about how to arrange a booking for your group.
Public Talks
Professional and Technical Lectures
We also deliver lectures to Professional Bodies where a more technically focused presentation is required. Such lectures range from those that reflect on key engineering achievements and developments that have shaped telecommunications over time to those that examine current and future trends.
Recent lectures have included:
- Telstar – 50+ years of the telecommunications satellite, delivered to the IET Merseyside and Western Cheshire Network
- Undersea optical cables - the technology that powers the Internet, delivered to the Kendal and District Engineering Society
- The History and Development of Mobile Phones, delivered to the IET Merseyside and Western Cheshire Network
- From modems to G.Fast, delivered to the IET Merseyside and Western Cheshire Network
- The call what he made – celebrating 30 years of the mobile phone in the UK, delivered to the IET East Anglia Network
- The call what he made, delivered to the IET Ireland (Cork)
- Manchester’s Telecommunications Firsts, delivered to the IET Lancashire and Cumbria Network
- The Trans-Atlantic Telegraph Cable – The Birth of Global Communications, delivered to the IET Mersey and Western Cheshire Network
- The call what he made: From bricks to 4G ! delivered to the IET Ireland (Dublin)
- History and development of the Internet delivered to the BCS Computer Conservation Society (Manchester)
- Broadband and Mobile Data Communication to be deployed in the UK delivered to the IET Manchester Network
- The Call what he made – our journey to 4G delivered to the IET Lancashire and Cumbria Network
- From Man on the Moon to Life in Cyberspace delivered to the IET Gloucester Network
- Manchester’s Telecommunications Firsts delivered to the BCS Computer Conservation Society
Please click the button below to make contact and discuss arranging a technical lecture for your Institution.
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